Media Coverage (Selected)
[1] Seungo's work is covered in various media outlets, including 서울경제, Herald, 부산일보, Metro, UNIST News Center, etc. Here, we developed our own ultrasound imaging system to overcome the poor quality of B-mode images and applied it to measure the carbonation depth in cementitious materials developed by the injection of carbon dioxide. Our next targets are battery charge monitoring and in vivo tumor volume tracking. Yes, we just started!
[2] Prof. Kim had an interview with 'Monthly People' introducing the CURE Lab and recent works on 'ultrasound-based cancer treatment and metal ion detection in vivo'. Here is the link for his talk: 건설과 화학·의료·바이오 넘나드는 융·복합 연구로 초음파 활용의 새로운 지평 열어 - 월간인물 ( Yes, we will keep moving forward to clinical trials and real world applications! Sky is the limit!
[3] Media coverage in Herald, Medical Today, Yonhapnews, Donga-Science, 서울경제, UNIST News Center, etc. People are now paying lots of attentions to the CURE Lab!
[4] Media coverage in SBS News, Yonhapnews, Hankookilbo, UNIST News Center, Veritas alpha, MedicalToday, Seoul, etc. Much more to come!
[5] SMIS Lab was covered in Korean media and news sharing their cash prize (1 million won) and warm-hearted spirit with people at UNIST (NAVER, News 1, 경상일보, 울산매일). So proud of you!
[6] The paper “High-intensity focused ultrasound-induced mechanochemical transductidfdfon in synthetic elastomers" (published in PNAS)” was covered in EurekAlert!, UIUC News Bureau, College of Medicine Newsroom,
[7] The paper “Quantitative evaluation of carbonation in concrete using nonlinear ultrasound" (published in Materials and Structures)” was selected as Outstanding Papers for 2015 and covered in RILEM News, Georgia Tech News).